Anari is a white, soft cheese that is a by-product of the halloumi making process. It is made of cheese whey and thus characterised as a low fat cheese by nutritionists. It resembles Greek mizithra and anthotyro depending on its salt content.

Anari can be salted or unsalted. The cheese can be consumed raw and it’s usually the main ingredient in traditional Cypriot dishes such as ravioli, anarokrema and bourekia. The unsalted anari is made from: whey from a mixture of cow's, sheep's and goat's milk.


The salted anari is made from: whey from a mixture of cow’s, sheep’s and goat’s milk, salt.


The salted anari can be dried in a specially designed dryer and turned into dry anari - a product that’s particularly tasty and slightly salted with a characteristic milky taste.

Dry anari is known for its grated use in pasta and salads. The dry anari is made from: whey from a mixture of cow’s, sheep’s and goat’s milk, salt.

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